Date: 15 AUGUST 2021
Venue: LPCPS and its surrounding area
Brief about activity:
On August 15, 2021 the students and teachers of LPCPS along with NSS Unit gathered from gate no.3 to held a parade around the college premises celebrating Independence Day. Every one chanting 'Vande Mataram' and 'Jai Hind' with freedom in their souls, faith in their minds and memories in their hearts.
15 अगस्त, 2021 कोएलपीसीपीएसकेछात्रऔरशिक्षक,एनएसएसइकाईकेसाथगेटनंबर3 सेएकत्रहुएऔरस्वतंत्रतादिवसकाजश्नमनातेहुएकॉलेजपरिसरकेचारोंओरएकपरेडआयोजितकी।हरकोईअपनीआत्मामेंस्वतंत्रता, मनमेंआस्थाऔरहृदयमेंस्मृतियोंकेसाथ'वंदेमातरम' और'जयहिंद' कानारालगारहाहै।