Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of LPCPS conducted a 3 day International Conference on 'Research Methodology used in Recent Innovations through Management, Engineering, Science and Technology.' On Day 1, the speakers presented their research and understanding in the fields of Cybersecurity, Risk in mutual fund, Nano particles, Data Mining, Analysis of five Vs of large data and many more. Speakers of Day 1 were as follows: 1. Research Scientist, Dr. Ashutosh Dhar Dwivedi, Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark 2. Asst. Prof. Rohit Singh, SRMU 3. Asst. Prof. Chetan Khanna, LPCPS 4. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ashish Kaushal, LPCPS 5. Research Scholar, Rinku Raheja, BBD University 6. Research Scholar, Sayed Nuseba Rasheed, Integral University 7. Asst. Prof. Dr. Sameer Kumar, LPCPS 8. Asst. Prof. Anchal Nigam, LPCPS 9. Deputy General Manager, Amit Bajpai, UPTEC Computer Consultancy Ltd.